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Title: Incorporación, bienestar y promoción laboral de refugiados gais, bisexuales y trans en las Pymes de Barcelona. Propuesta de un nuevo modelo de gestión de la diversidad LGBTI+ como parte de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Author: Fernández Benítez, Sergio
Tutor: Zamarreño Méndez, Fabio
Abstract: This study aims at investigating the access, well-being and promotion at work of gay, bisexual or trans men refugees in small and medium companies in Barcelona. There’s a lack of investigation when it comes to diversity management (DM) as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the intersection between race, sexual orientation and gender identity in these companies. This study’s objectives are: to offer a theoretical approach to the relation between DM and CSR; to identify the differences in access, well-being and promotion at work of gay, bisexual and trans men refugees; to know their perception of DM in their companies; to clarify the Spanish asylum system’s impact on their job insecurity; to know the managers’ perception of their DM and the difficulties of the process; to comprehend the managers’ knowledge of the asylum system; and to make recommendations. A mixed method has been chosen: a survey to gay, bisexual and trans men refugees and to non-refugee men and interviews to gay men and managers. Average, median, mode and standard deviation have been calculated, and two thematic analyses have been conducted. It is concluded that DM is a part of the internal dimension of CSR. Passing can be beneficial to earn a job, but language is considered a barrier. SOGI and racial-based discrimination is easier to identify once in the job. LGBTI+ refugees are more vulnerable to experience job insecurity, partly because of the red card temporality, a highly unknown document by employers. Overqualification is very common. Small and medium companies don’t manage the diversity in their teams, and the risk of pinkwashing is high. Managers identify a lack of knowledge, time and resources as big difficulties. The creation of the Social Alliance for Inclusion project ( and specific measures regarding access, well-being and promotion at work have been recommended.
Keywords: LGBTI+ refugees
diversity management
corporate social responsibility
small and medium companies
Gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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