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Title: La digitalización de la economía social. El caso de la ciudad de Barcelona
Other Titles: The digitalization of social economy. The case of the city of Barcelona
Author: Fuster Morell, Mayo  
Espelt, Ricard  
Vega-Rodríguez, Nuria  
Citation: Fuster Morell, M. [Mayo], Espelt, R. [Ricard] & Vega-Rodríguez, N. [Nuria]. (2022). La digitalización de la economía social. El caso de la ciudad de Barcelona. 33º Congreso Internacional del CIRIEC. Nuevas dinámicas mundiales en la era post-Covid; desafíos para la economía pública, social y cooperativa (p. 1-24). València, Espanya.
Abstract: The digital revolution has led to the digitization of the economy, giving shape to the platform economy, which is growing rapidly and exponentially and impacting most economic areas. This process has been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The social economy is no stranger to this phenomenon. This article analyzes the extent to which the social economy is moving towards platform business models, betting on professionalization and digital training, incorporating the gender perspective and adopting open programming and open knowledge. To do this, an analysis of twenty-seven entities of the social economy of the city of Barcelona has been carried out, whose data have been collected from an online questionnaire, a semi-structured interview, web observation and follow-up notes within the framework of the Barcelona UOC Chair in Digital Economy. The results of the research indicate that even when platformization is considered an advanced stage of digitization, the transition to platform models continues to be limited by a low representation of professional teams with digital skills, a limited analysis of the impact of actions in the digital field and supported by organizational models that do not incorporate the gender perspective in a transversal way and with difficulties to promote the open programing and open knowledge.
Keywords: digitalization
gender equality
platform economy
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Conference lectures

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