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Título : Emotional problems in preschool and school-aged children with neurodevelopmental disorders in Spain: EPINED epidemiological project
Autoría: Morales Hidalgo, Paula  
Voltas, Núria  
Hernández-Martínez, Carmen  
Canals, Josefa  
Resumen : Abstract Background Children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) are often at risk of developing emotional problems. Aims and methods The co-occurrence of anxiety and depression with ASD and/or ADHD was determined by exploring the association with children’s clinical and neuropsychological functioning and their parent’s mental health. To this end, we assessed 295 preschoolers (PRE; 4–5 years old) and 486 school-aged children (SCH; 10–11 years old) in Tarragona, Spain. NDD diagnoses were based on DSM-5. Emotional problems were assessed using Achenbach’s scales. Results Emotional problems (PRE: 36%−78%; SCH: 32%−81%) were more common and more severe in participants with NDD than in controls and children in the ASD + ADHD school-aged group were the most affected. In ADHD, emotional problems were associated with more severe symptoms of attention deficit (PRE) and hyperactivity/impulsivity (SCH). In ASD + ADHD, emotional problems showed a trend of association with more severe ASD repetitive behaviours and impaired working memory, whereas in ASD were associated with greater overall ASD severity. Conclusions and implications Children with NDD are vulnerable to emotional problems, which become more prevalent and interfering with age. Early detection and intervention aimed at tackling emotional problems can improve NDD prognosis.
Palabras clave : Neurodevelopmental disorders
Emotional problems
Fecha de publicación : abr-2023
Licencia de publicación: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/  
Aparece en las colecciones: Articles

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