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Title: Festival de música alternativa e independiente "Chromasónica"
Author: Peralta Chica, Luis Gabriel  
Tutor: Barro Hernández, Mario Antonio
Abstract: This work outlines the design and planning of the "Chromasónica" Alternative and Independent Music Festival in Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador. It covers aspects such as mission, vision, values, venue, and event date, as well as the necessary material and human resources. An organizational chart with specific roles is presented to ensure the festival's success, along with an implementation model featuring an activity schedule and a detailed economic estimate. The project also includes indicators for evaluation and funding strategies. The aim is to minimize risks and promote musical culture in the region.
Keywords: alternative music
cultural management
event planning
project evaluation
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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