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Title: Anàlisi i explotació de vulnerabilitats en sistemes de validació de números de sèrie: un estudi sobre aplicacions antigues
Author: Alvarez Barcons, Oscar
Tutor: Farràs Ballabriga, Gerard  
Others: Perea Paños, Pau  
Abstract: Tihs document focuses on the analysis and exploitation of vulnerabilities in serial number validation systems when registering application licenses and, more especifically, in outdated applications where this validation is done locally. These applications store licenses within their own source code or apply some algorithm to validate them. The project aims at studying the different algorithms in order to fraudulently generate valid keys or modify the internal binary system so as to accept any other invalid key. Consequently, different "crack me" will be created and observed in order to explore and understand the vulnerabilities that allow fraudulent use of the applications without acquiring their licenses. Once these vulnerabilities are studied, a "crack" will be created and a "keygen" will be programmed to exploit them successfully. Finally, these techniques will be applied to a real application.
Keywords: reverse engineering
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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