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Title: La influencia de las normas sociales en el embarazo adolescente. Una revisión bibliográfica
Author: Alzola Blanco, Maitane
Tutor: Fornaguera Flores, Esther  
Abstract: Adolescent pregnancy is influenced by social norms. The social construction of sex that adolescents forge in their relationship with their environment determines their sexual behaviour and, therefore, affects the likelihood of pregnancy. This is a global phenomenon. It affects the physical and mental health of adolescents, as well as having social, economic and educational consequences. Based on 24 scientific articles, and through theoretical research, we have studied the factors that affect its appearance, the influence of culture and its consequences. The factors that most affect its occurrence are early marriage and sexual debut. In addition, the predominant culture of the studies promotes sexual abstinence despite the normalisation of premarital sex. The consequences are diverse, with stress being the most widespread. There is a need for sexual health promotion campaigns. In addition, the present study provides useful scientific evidence for psychological support for adolescents in this situation and their immediate environment.
Keywords: social norms
teenage pregnancy
psychosocial consequences
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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