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Title: Efecte de la suplementació amb àcids grassos omega-3 en el tractament de la depressió perinatal
Author: Vidal Arbós, Núria
Tutor: Cristià Civit, Esther
Abstract: The perinatal stage is a critical time for the mental health of the women. At this stage, emotional well-being is essential for the mother, the baby and the people around them. Maternal depression is recognized as a worldwide public health problem. Today, it affects between 10 and 30% of women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Many women express reluctance to take medication during pregnancy and seek alternative medicine methods, such as omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, to address and prevent the symptomatology of perinatal depression. However, published reviews on adjunctive therapy of major depressive disorder in pregnant and non-pregnant populations have led to conflicting conclusions about the efficacy of this supplementation. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the influence of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in the treatment of perinatal depression in pregnant women. The study focuses on reviewing the scientific evidence available in the "PubMed" database, selecting clinical trials comparing omega-3 supplementation with placebos in pregnant women. This methodological approach will allow us to evaluate the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, providing a clear view on the usefulness of this therapeutic intervention in this vulnerable population.
Keywords: perinatal depression
maternal depression
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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