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Title: Anàlisi del concepte de literatura d’autoajuda i la seva influència en l’individualisme
Author: Orellana Grande, Pilar
Tutor: Sicilia Matas, Laura  
Abstract: The work addresses opposing points of view of psychology professionals regarding self-help literature. An analysis of this concept is carried out, determining what is known, which discourses exist and if it has an impact on the individualistic dimension. Through the bibliographic review, the analysis of 11 documents from different countries, taken from public sources and expert authors in the field, is carried out. The results show the significance of the concept with an ideological position, generating ideal subjects in the system they produce, opposing discourses, and an individualistic development that creates polarizations, in addition to frustrations and guilt. It is concluded that self-help literature develops a positivist and neoliberal discourse, which spreads prescriptions that promote individualistic values and promote inequalities.
Keywords: self-help
positive psychology and Seligman
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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