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Title: Validación de suplementos dietéticos basados en probióticos, vitaminas y minerales como tratamiento para la Vulvovaginitis Recurrente
Author: Sánchez García, Rosa
Tutor: Díaz Tocados, Juan Miguel  
Abstract: Vulvovaginitis affects at least of 3 out of 4 women once in the lifetime, with candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis being the most common causes. Current treatments, mainly antibacterial and antifungal, are often ineffective, with frequent recurrences. Numerous studies highlight the need for alternative therapies, emphasizing probiotics as a promising resource to improve vaginal microbiota health and prevent infections. Recent research also suggests a link between vitamin deficiencies and an increased risk of vulvovaginitis. Given the key involvement of diet and microbiota in preventing vulvovaginitis, this thesis proposes a Randomized Clinical Trial design to evaluate the efficacy of dietary supplements based on probiotics and micronutrients for the treatment of recurrent vulvovaginitis. The objective is to determine if dietary intervention with probiotics and/or vitamins improves vaginal health. Four groups will be studied: Group 1 (control): healthy women (no vulvovaginitis in the last year); Group 2: recurrent vulvovaginitis + probiotic supplement; Group 3: recurrent vulvovaginitis + multivitamin supplement; and Group 4: recurrent vulvovaginitis + probiotic and multivitamin supplementation. Nutritional profiles, changes in the vaginal microbiota and metabolome, and recurrence incidence will be analyzed. This study is the first evaluating dietary multivitamin supplementation as a possible treatment for vulvovaginitis, encouraging future research on the relationship between nutrition, microbiota, and vaginal health. Additionally, it has the potential to develop a patent for an ointment based on the identified metabolites to prevent recurrences.
Keywords: gender studies
multivitamin supplements
vaginal microbiome
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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