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Title: El museu com agent visibilitzador d'artistes que són dones. El cas del Femmes Artistes du Musée de Mougins
Author: Pohl, Dankmute
Tutor: González-Sanz, Myriam  
Abstract: This master’s thesis investigates the "Femmes Artistes du Musée de Mougins" (FAMM), the first museum exclusively dedicated to female artists in Europe. Its inauguration will be on June 21, 2024. The research has three objectives: to explore the role these kind of museum museums play to make artists who are women visible, to determine which similarities and differences there are between the FAMM and other museums of a similar kind, and to analyse the potential of the FAMM as the latest proposal of cultural tourism in Mougins. The study is based on a descriptive and qualitative methodology that includes documentary analysis, a case study and a SWOT analysis. The conclusions suggest that FAMM can play a significant role in promoting women artists and increasing their visibility and influence in the art market. The importance of such museums in guaranteeing cultural rights and inspiring new generations of women artists is highlighted.
Keywords: Gender studies
visibility of women in art
cultural tourism
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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