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Title: objetivo obrador
Author: Pasalodos Álvarez, Daniel
Tutor: Gual Picazo, Xavier
Abstract: The following business plan ensures the viability of an online training business for bakeries located in the town of Hospitalet de Llobregat and in which all the activity of the project is done online, from the creation of training, virtual classes and consulting services offered as services. It is expected to have an offer of two virtual info products and a professional consulting service that will be the main sources of income. The estimated financing will be €7,000, entirely from the own resources of the two partners that make up the company under which all the activity is developed. The initial investment will consist of having the computer equipment with which to create the training courses and offer the services, which will be located in the partners' own homes. The following points have been considered within the joint business plan: - Analysis of the general environment and the specific environment of the company. - Analysis of the Canvas business model and SWOT analysis of the project. - Creation of a marketing plan - Creation of a resource and operations plan - Creation of a financial plan. Finally, all the studies carried out show that the possibilities of success of the project are high and considering the discreet initial disbursement make it a good opportunity for business profitability, attractive to develop and with high expectations for the future
Keywords: formación online
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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