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dc.contributor.authorArmayones Ruiz, Manuel-
dc.contributor.authorDuarte Anselmi, Giuliano-
dc.contributor.authorPousada Fernández, Modesta-
dc.contributor.authorGómez-Zúñiga, Beni-
dc.description.abstractThis scoping review protocol outlines a research project aimed at exploring the utilization of the Fogg Model in health-related behavior change interventions. Led by the eHealth Center at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Spain, the study is conducted by a team of researchers including Dr. Manuel Armayones, Giuliano Duarte, and Modesta Pousada Fernandez. The protocol details the review's title, anticipated start and completion dates, team members, and dissemination plans. The research aims to systematically identify, select, and abstract data to provide a comprehensive overview of the Fogg Model's impact on behavior change in health. The team plans to engage with stakeholders, publish in peer-reviewed journals, develop research briefs, present at conferences, and utilize various dissemination channels to share their findings widely. Funding for the study is provided by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain.en
dc.subjectRecursos Educativos en Abiertoes
dc.subjectRecursos Educatius en Obertca
dc.subjectOpen Educational Resourcesca
dc.titleExploring the use of the Fogg Model in Health: A scoping review protocol investigating its role in behavior change interventions .ca
dc.title.alternativeProtocol for a Scoping Reviewen
dc.audience.mediatorTheme areas::eLearning::Education and ICT (e-learning)en
Apareix a les col·leccions:Publicacions

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