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Title: Psicología terapéutica científica: tecnología de biopoder en las sociedades modernas. Ensayo académico
Author: Frauca Benítez, Romina
Tutor: Fornaguera Flores, Esther
Abstract: This academic paper proposes a critic reflection on three subjects: psychotherapeutic scientific discipline, professional practice, and the care recipient of psychological treatment. The crux of this analysis is power, specifically Michel Foucault’s concept of biopower. This essay aims to establish links between scientific knowledge as an institutional process and the expertise of professional know- how. It concurrently establishes the therapeutic relationship as a power relation and as a process of symbolic interaction between a qualified professional and the person subjected to psychological intervention and subjectivation. This theoretical reasoning begins with Michael Foucault and gets complemented with works by other authors. In turn, it has been reinforced by the inclusion of papers hosted in specialized data bases and other reliable sources. Its research applies the purposive sampling method, with critical analysis and some hermeneutic profiling. The purpose of this paper and its conclusions are one and the same– to provide a reflection on the kind of power that, according to Foucault, operates best in contemporary societies, and therefore in both the disciplines and specialized techniques of expertise.
Keywords: psychology
scientific evidence
power relations
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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