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Title: Digital inequality and old age: the digital divide gap that still needs closing
Other Titles: Desigualtat digital i vellesa: la bretxa digital que encara cal tancar
Desigualdad digital y vejez: la brecha digital que todavía hay que cerrar
Author: Consell Asessor del Parlament sobre Ciència i Tecnologia
Abstract: The digital divide affecting the elderly is very worrying. All available indicators in Catalonia show disadvantages starting from the age of 65 onwards. Moreover, there is also a pronounced digital divide among the elderly population as a whole: where data are available, the 75+ age cohort is significantly below the 65-74 age cohort.
Keywords: Digital divide
Old age
Third age
Fourth age
Elderly, Inequalities
Ageism (age discrimination)
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Issue Date: 2024
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs, papers de recerca

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