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Title: El desafío de la Generación Z en el mercado laboral de Andalucía: entre la satisfacción y la seguridad en un clima de precariedad
Author: Ramírez Rodríguez, Laura
Tutor: Gorroño Arregui, Idoya
Abstract: Within the context of globalization and high competitiveness in recent years, Generation Z is beginning to enter the labor market amidst precarious conditions that can potentially impact their mental health. Therefore, the aim of this investigation is to understand the characteristics of youth employment focusing on Andalusia’s Generation Z, their job satisfaction, and their sense of security regarding their current employment situation. The methodology employed consists of a survey with questions designed to point out the employment conditions of young Andalusians, their levels of satisfaction with various elements related to their current jobs, and their perceived job security. This questionnaire was completed by 101 individuals aged 18 to 27 from 8 provinces of Andalusia, revealing that precarious employment conditions do indeed exist for Generation Z, resulting in a deterioration of their mental health, low satisfaction with their contract terms, and insecurity about job loss. Additionally, we also identified the strategies this generation uses to enhance their employability and their suggestions for improving the current labor market and overall economic situation. Based on these findings, multidisciplinary improvement proposals have been developed, and multiple potential future research directions have been suggested, which could extend to other generations or explore differences by gender.
Keywords: job insecurity
youth employment
generation Z
mental health
job satisfaction
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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