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Title: La incorporació del vector de la perspectiva de gènere a l’aula de català de 1r d’ESO a partir d’una Situació d’Aprenentatge: Proposta de millora per implementar una metodologia coeducadora
Author: Trepat Cases, Mar
Tutor: Martínez Martínez, Edgar
Abstract: The present work is about how to implement the gender vector and coeducation within the Catalan classroom in a secondary school, through a learning situation that has been designed after analyzing the casuistry of the secondary school and focuses on International Women’s Day (8 March). A proposal in which students can participate in the celebration of this day talking about the most important woman in his life through a descriptive text. During ten sessions, they will work on descriptive text theory forming heterogeneous cooperative groups and learning through examples of fragments of descriptions of some of the best known works of the author Mercè Rodoreda. In addition, they will discover Catalan women writers who have been important throughout history. The final product they will produce will be a poster designed through the Canva platform, where they will have to demonstrate everything they have learned and write a description of the most important woman for them. Finally, they will introduce her to their classmates and hang her on a mural in the halls of the institute. The preparation of this learning situation is addressed to the 1st ESO students in the school and is in accordance with the language curriculum.
Keywords: gender vector
International Women’s Day
descriptive text
Catalan women writers
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 12-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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