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Title: L'accés al mercat laboral de les dones trans: una mirada interna i externa
Author: Torrebadella Cubino, Gemma
Tutor: Villajos, Esther  
Others: Ficapal-Cusi, Pilar  
Abstract: This present research work is composed of two studies and qualitatively and quantitatively analyses trans women’s access to the labour market. It aims to be a contribution to the little existing academic literature on this subject, giving visibility to trans women in order to avoid their stigmatization, inequality and discrimination. The involvement with Human Resources of this study is to promote the real labour inclusion of trans women and to identify factors that influence their access to the labour market. A mixed methodology has been chosen for this study, that allows a broad understanding of the current situation: firstly, with four interviews with trans women, and secondly, with a questionnaire on the population’s perception of trans women’s access to the labour market. Among the results obtained, it is highlighted that there are indeed obstacles to the labour market access for trans women and that shows the importance of establishing trans-inclusive human resources policies and practices. However, several factors are also identified that act positively or negatively on the access to the labour market of trans women: passing - cispassing, gender, legal situation, support and education.
Keywords: trans woman
labor market access
HHRR transinclusive polices
HHRR transinclusive practices
Gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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