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Title: Plan de intervención para mejorar los niveles de satisfacción laboral y el compromiso organizacional de los empleados de una unidad departamental de la administración pública
Author: Gaibor Miranda, Andrea
Tutor: Pons Verdú, Fernando José  
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to suggest an intervention proposal to improve the levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of public employees, who work in the Coordinación Provincial de Prestaciones de Pensiones, Riesgos de Trabajo, Fondos de Terceros y Seguro de Desempleo; based on the results obtained from the application of quantitative measurement instruments, which were administered to 57 public employees, who responded anonymously and confidentially in an electronic format under the Likert scale of 5 answers; and through a semistructured interview that 10 public employees voluntarily agreed to, as an amplifying mechanism to the first instruments applied. As a conclusion, the reasons for the low perception of job satisfaction and affective and normative organizational commitment were demonstrated, proving that, there are internal factors that, although controllable by the administrative unit, have not been addressed in a timely manner, encouraging behaviors in the employees that make it difficult to provide quality services to citizens effectively on a daily. This human talent management proposal prioritizes the knowledge, skills and abilities of the personnel to increase the levels of performance, productivity, satisfaction, and permanence in the institution.
Keywords: job satisfaction
human talent management
public administration
organizational commitment
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 30-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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