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Title: Un anàlisi a la pel·lícula “Enredados”: reproducció i subversió de les representacions de gènere
Author: Piñana Sànchez, Claudia
Tutor: Fernandez-Zabala, Nagore  
Others: Cassián Yde, Nizaiá  
Abstract: Today's society is becoming one with neoliberal tendencies, digitalized, adult-centric, and patriarchal, although it is beginning to show some awareness in terms of gender. Just as society progresses, so do the elements that are part of it. The patriarchy of the 21st century also manifests itself in more subtle and innovative ways, finding new forms of control and perpetuation of hegemonic sexist elements and behaviors, evident in current issues such as gender-based violence, the wage gap, the objectification of women, sexist language, or the perpetuation of gender roles and stereotypes. Within this social structure, in which cinema is also framed as a communicator and reproducer of social norms and values, it is understood that the present film analysis will be key to the detection and subversion of sexist elements. This work, therefore, seeks, through an analysis of various elements of the animated film Tangled (2010)—such as the characters, the lighting used, and the cinematographic shots—those elements that reveal the contemporary persistence of sexist elements, as well as those of subversion. To reinforce the aforementioned film analysis and highlight the perceptions of children, a discussion group with them is proposed.
Keywords: anàlisi crític del cinema
estudis de gènere
estereotips de gènere
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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