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Título : Chat'n'Game – El chatbot con juego
Autoría: Arias S., E. Augusto
Director: Sanchez Castaño, Friman
Tutor: Moyà Alcover, Gabriel
Resumen : The emerging issue of global loneliness affects individuals who may feel alone even in company, potentially leading to behavioral disorders and diminished quality of life. This project introduces a chatbot with a mini-game designed to simulate human interactions and provide comfort to those experiencing loneliness. The goal is not to replace human companionship, but to offer a 'virtual companion' that combines chat capabilities with virtual entertainment, starting with an example of Tic Tac Toe and with potential to change it to other games in the future. The primary focus is asynchronous interaction, allowing conversations to become monologues if users engage in other tasks like the mini-game. Users can switch between three Large Language Models (LLMs) available. A voice reader was added to enhance accessibility. The methodology involved a approach of design, development, and iterative testing to assess effectiveness in providing comfort and easing the mind. Findings suggest the system can be a useful tool for these purposes.
Palabras clave : LLM, IA, soledad
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Fecha de publicación : 16-jun-2024
Licencia de publicación: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
Aparece en las colecciones: Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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