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Title: Càrrega mental laboral, resiliència i engagement d’autònoms i de treballadors a microempreses
Author: Carrillo Alejo, Esther
Tutor: Mallén-Broch, Francisco Fermín  
Ficapal-Cusi, Pilar  
Abstract: Workers in micro-SMEs and those who are self-employed could face similar difficulties in their workplaces, derived from the common fact of working in small organizations. There are insufficient studies in the area of Human Resources of this specific business model and there is the need to know more about its particularities. The aim of this study is to measure levels of work engagement (WE), resilience and mental workload, as well as, to determine the relationships established between WE and resilience, and between WE and the mental workload. The sample was taken from workers in micro-SME and self-employed workers, in the service sector, in the region of El Barcelonès. Quantitative methodology was used to collect data for this research project. The data was obtained through voluntary and anonymous surveys, which consisted of a composite sample of 119 workers, 47% self-employed and 53% employed in micro-enterprises. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) was used to measure WE, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-10) was used to measure resilience, and mental workload was measured with the Subjective Scale of Mental Workload (SCAM). The participants’ results show a high level of WE on the average and a high level of resilience. 95% of the respondents reported inadequate mental workload measured by the component of the cognitive demands and task complexity. WE and resilience are related to specific socio-demographic characteristics, highlighting their strong and positive correlation to healthcare services. The WE and mental workload are not related, with the sole exception of the vigour component of WE, and the tasks characteristics component of mental workload, in services related to construction, renovations and interior design. In conclusion, the results suggest the need for workplace redesign practices, as well as those aimed at enhancing personal resources. Future research is necessary, aimed at expanding knowledge about the particularities of micro-SME and self-employed work environments.
Keywords: job demands-resources model / theory
work engagement
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 31-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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