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Title: Digital challenges in the social economy: Gender- egalitarian practices & FLOSS
Author: Vega-Rodríguez, Nuria  
Espelt, Ricard  
Citation: Espelt, R. [Ricard] & Vega-Rodríguez, N. [Nuria]. (2024). Digital Challenges in the Social Economy: Gender- Egalitarian Practices & FLOSS. A V. [Veljko] Jeremic , N.[Nikola] Zornic & M. [Milika] Maricic (ed.). Proceedings of the first International conference on sharing economy and contemporary business models: Theory and practice. (p. 179-183). Belgrade: Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital revolution, particularly with the rise of the platform economy. The social economy sector is also impacted by this phenomenon and holds potential to foster pro-social digitalization models. This article investigates the adoption of platform business models within the social economy, focusing on professionalization, integration of GenderEgalitarian Practices, and the embrace of open knowledge and software. The study analyzes twentyseven social economy entities in Barcelona, using data from an online questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, web observation, and follow-up notes. Findings reveal challenges in digital platform model adoption, including limited evaluation of impact and organizational models that inadequately integrate gender perspectives. Additionally, obstacles exist in adopting Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) tools.
Keywords: social economy
gender-egalitarian practices
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Issue Date: 2024
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Appears in Collections:Conference lectures

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