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Title: El verisme a l'òpera: Un retrat de la vida quotidiana amb intensitat emocional
Author: González Alcaide, José Luis
Tutor: Sanjust i Latorre, Cristina  
Others: Vayreda Duran, Agnès  
Abstract: In the context of the 19th century, the recent unification of the Italian state triggers a massive migration of the population from an impoverished south to the prosperous north, on the way to the American dream. This leads to sociocultural tensions that inspire the French and Italian literature, among others. This cultural collision also influences the arts in general, particularly opera, with the decline of bel canto and the birth of operatic verismo. The Italian “Giovine Scuola”, fostered by composers like Bizet, Leoncavallo, Puccini or Giordano, embraces realism and naturalism, ushering in a new era in the genre. Despite fragmented opinions, verismo propels the evolution of opera, raising questions about its continuity in the looming 20th century, as well as in theatre and cinema. This research project aims to give voice to different opinions and draw argued conclusions to create a criterion and design new research foundations for the future.
Keywords: verism
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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