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Title: Comparativa del acceso a las TIC de las mujeres mayores de 55 años en España y en los países nórdicos
Other Titles: Estrategias de alfabetización mediática: Reflexiones sobre comunicación y educación
Author: Herrera Sánchez, Sonia  
Abstract: When we investigate the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) about gender equality, it is essential to define the factors that have to do with access to new technologies and that state their production, consume, and appropriation. The digital gap between genders represents a very important stop to the empowerment of women. From a feminist perspective and taking into account the Basics Declaration of the World Summit on the Information Society, the Active Population Survey, and data from the Eurostat, this quantitative research expresses that the digital gap has an special bearing on women over 55 in Spain, showing huge differences with regard to nordic countries.
Keywords: mujeres
alfabetización digital
Issue Date: 2011
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