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Title: Learning agglutinative morphology of Indian languages with linguistically motivated adaptors grammars
Author: Kallara Rajappan, Arun Kumar
Padró, Lluís  
Oliver, Antoni  
Citation: Kumar, A.[Arun], Padró, L.[Lluís] & Oliver, A. [Antoni]. (2015). Learning Agglutinative Morphology of Indian Languages with Linguistically Motivated Adaptor Grammars. A.[Galia] Angelova, K.[Kalina] Bontcheva & R. [Ruslan] Mitkov (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2015) (p. 307-312). Hissar: INCOMA Ltd. Shoumen
Abstract: In this paper an automatic mprphology learning system for complex and agglutinative morphology of Indian Languages using Adaptor Grammars and linguistic rules of mophology. Adaptor Grammars are a compositional Bayesian framework for grammatical inference, where we define a morphological grammar for agglutinative languages and morphological boundaries are inferred from a corpora of plain text. Once it produces morphological segmentation, regular expressions for orthography rules are applied to achieve final segmentation. We test our algorithm in the case of three complex languages from the Dravidian family and evaluate the results comparing to other state of the art unsupervised morphology learning systems and show significant improvements in the results.
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Issue Date: Sep-2015
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Appears in Collections:Conferencias

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