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Title: L’Impacte de la Intel·ligència Artificial en els equips de treball: gestió eficient d’equips combinats (humans+IA) en empreses de consultoria
Author: Baltà Garcia, Ester
Tutor: Mallén-Broch, Francisco Fermín  
Abstract: This research work aims to investigate the current and future impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the work teams of consulting companies. In this context, human skills and algorithmic capabilities converge to enhance teamwork that is both more efficient and successful. We will specifically focus on the new knowledge and skills that these professionals need to develop for collaborative and efficient work in combined teams (humans+AI). We will explore the evolving role of Human Resources (HR) and the corporate culture necessary to drive and empower these changes. In this study, 31 individuals from the company AIS, Aplicacions d’Intel·ligència Artificial, S.A., an SME specializing in strategy, finance, and technology consulting with international operations, participated. To enrich the study, the specialized perspectives of three external individuals were incorporated. Through a mixed data collection technique, the quantitative and qualitative results analyzed highlight the challenges faced by consulting companies and their HR departments. They will need to guide teams towards acquiring new technical knowledge, AI-specific knowledge, and new competencies. Additionally, the importance of developing skills such as critical thinking, problemsolving, flexibility, and teamwork is emphasized as key elements for effective collaboration with these new technologies. The research work concludes with specific recommendations for the effective introduction of AI into work teams, marking the beginning of a new paradigm with challenges and opportunities. The ability to adapt to changes, talent management, ethics, and an innovative corporate culture that promotes constant learning emerge as determining factors for success in this VUCA environment in which we are immersed.
Keywords: artificial intelligence
human resources management
human-AI interaction
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 29-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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