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dc.contributor.authorBorrell Condom, Cristina-
dc.contributor.authorOliver, Antoni-
dc.identifier.citationBorrell, C. [Cristina] & Oliver, A. [Antoni] (2009). Multilingüismo en las instituciones europeas: herramientas y recursos para la integración del catalán. A: Actas del Congreso Mundial de Traducción Especializada, La Habana-
dc.description.abstractThe Linguamón-UOC Chair in Multilingualism of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya has developed an automatic extractor of terminology, which is freely distributed, multiplatform and adaptable to users' needs. One of its most important useful applications is the elaboration of glossaries, both monolingual and multilingual, based on a set of documents. This tool can be very helpful for translators and translation agencies. The system automatically extracts the term candidates from the texts introduced by the user. Later, a specialist reviews the list of lexical units to verify the result. In the Chair in Multilingualism we have applied this tool to the expansion the Eurovoc glossary with its Catalan version. From the entries in Spanish and a bilingual Spanish - Catalan parallel corpus we have extracted the equivalents for this language. With this project we try to demonstrate that having the suitable resources can remarkably reduce the translation costs.en
dc.publisherUnión Latina y Red Mundial para la Diversidad Lingüística Maaya-
dc.relation.ispartofActas del Congreso Mundial de Traducción Especializada, La Habana, Cuba 8-13 desembre de 2008ca
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-SA*
dc.titleMultilingüismo en las instituciones europeas: herramientas y recursos para la integración del catalánes
Aparece en las colecciones: Conferencias

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