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Title: Evaluación de riesgos laborales en la operación y mantenimiento del sistema eléctrico en un centro de datos
Author: Gómez-Leal Martín, Miguel
Tutor: Ciudad Valls, Iván  
Abstract: Data centers are industrial complexes where various computing platforms for organizations are housed. They communicate with the Internet through high-capacity connections. To ensure the proper functioning of data centers, robust air conditioning and electrical systems capable of tolerating high energy demands are required. The operation and maintenance of systems like these requires extensive planning and people with specific training, given the risk involved in working with equipment that normally carries high voltage. Despite there being numerous studies on electrical risks in other sectors, there is a great lack of specific research on electrical risks in data centers. This work seeks to improve the safety of workers in charge of electrical maintenance in data centers. To do this, it is divided into several sections such as: a bibliographic study of electrical risks and the relevant regulations, a brief analysis where the data on electrical work accidents from the last ten years in Spain are analyzed, and an analysis on how a center is structured. of data present in the Community of Madrid. Then, everything necessary for the maintenance of the electrical system of this data center (people, work equipment and PPE) is detailed. Finally, risks are identified and evaluated following the methodology of the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work, and preventive measures are proposed to improve occupational safety in these environments.
Keywords: occupational risk evaluation
electrical equipment
data center
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 5-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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