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Title: Validación del cuestionario: “Perception of competence in middle school PE” al contexto español
Other Titles: Validation of the questionnaire: “Perception of competence in middle school PE” to the Spanish context
Author: Gil-Madrona, Pedro  
Pita Lozano, Antonio  
Díaz-Suárez, Arturo
López Sánchez, Guillermo Felipe  
Citation: Gil-Madrona, P. [Pedro], Pita Lozano, A. [Antonio], Díaz-Suárez, A. [Arturo] & López Sánchez, G. F. [Guillermo Felipe]. (2017). Validación del cuestionario: “Perception of competence in middle school PE” al contexto español. RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 48. doi: 10.5232/ricyde2017.04807
Abstract: A low perceived competence may affect the proper development of physical education lessons; hence, it is necessary to have valid and reliable instruments to measure this variable. In this study, it is described the adaptation and validation to the Spanish language of the questionnaire by Scrabis-Fletcher y Silverman (2010) to assess the perception of competence in schoolchildren of Primary Education. The sample was 780 schoolchildren from 27 randomly selected schools of Albacete (Spain), 389 boys and 391 girls, age 10-13 years (average=11.08 and SD=0.43). Exploratory analysis of the items and internal consistence study through Cronbach's Alpha were performed, using Multilevel package 2.4. The constructs structure was analyzed through factorial confirmatory analysis (FCA), using Lavaan package 0.5-11. The consistence of the instrument has been high (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.74). There is a high correlation between all items, even those from different factors. As a conclusion, two questionnaires of 2 and 3 factors, using 7 and 14 items respectively, were established and the instrument was validated to the Spanish context.
Keywords: perceived competence
primary educatio
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: Apr-2017
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