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Title: Impacte de l’ús de la IA en el disseny UX/UI
Author: Cordero Llera, David
Tutor: Flamarich Zampalo, Jordi
Others: Gimenez Prado, Ferran
Abstract: The relevance of AI within the current technological context has motivated the present study, which aims to analyze the impact of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in UX/UI design. The scope of this research process focuses on analyzing what use is being made of artificial intelligence in UX/UI design programs that have integrated tools based on generative AI, have automated and supervised learning, and need human intervention to feed back. The study methodology that has been carried out is based on the review of the scientific literature, books, academic reports and research articles that are relevant in the field of AI and UX/UI design. As a more applied example, the reports and manuals referring to the Figma application and the plugins that use AI, which can be used with this application, have been reviewed. This research process has led us to know that the use of AI adequately enhances the processes of creation and work. However, the results can only be used as a starting point in a creative project, since this does not end up having the necessary functionalities of a UX/UI design project. The use of AI in creation tools has meant a great change in the way creators work by proposing new creative strategies and work processes. In contrast, the designs of digital products are similar to those already existing in the market. Therefore, we can say that they condition the creative aspect in the projects to be developed.
Keywords: Intel·ligència artificial (IA)
disseny d’interfície d’usuari (IU)
disseny d’experiència d’usuari (UX)
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2025
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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