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Title: User Representations in Human-Computer Interaction
Author: Seinfeld, Sofia  
Feuchtner, Tiare  
Maselli, Antonella  
Müller, Jörg  
Citation: Seinfeld, S. [Sofia], Feuchtner, T. [Tiare], Maselli, A. [Antonella], Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2021). User Representations in Human-Computer Interaction. Human–Computer Interaction, 36(5-6), 400-438
Abstract: Cursors, avatars, virtual hands or tools, and other rendered graphical objects, enable users to interact with computers such as PCs, game consoles or virtual reality systems. We analyze the role of these various objects from a user perspec- tive under the unifying concept of “User Representations”. These representations are virtual objects that artificially extend the users’ physical bodies, enabling them to manipulate the virtual environment by performing motor actions that are continuously mapped to their User Representations. In this paper, we identify a set of concepts that are relevant for different User Representations, and provide a multidisciplinary review of the multisensory and cognitive factors underlying the control and subjective experience of User Representations. These concepts include visual appearance, multimodal feedback, sense of agency, input meth- ods, peripersonal space, visual perspective, and body ownership. We further suggest a research agenda for these concepts, which can lead the human- computer interaction community towards a wider perspective of how users perceive and interact through their User Representations.
Keywords: user representations
multimodal feedback
peripersonal space
visual perspective
sense of agency
body ownership
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 29-Jan-2020
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