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Title: El nacionalisme lingüístic postnacional: Universalitzar la parcialitat. Epíleg a la secció monogràfica "Llengua i neutralitat"
Other Titles: Post-national linguistic nationalism: Universalising bias. Epilogue to the monogaphic section "Language and neutrality"
Author: Pujolar, Joan  
Citation: Pujolar Cos, J. [Joan]. (2023). El nacionalisme lingüístic postnacional: Universalitzar la parcialitat. Epíleg a la secció monogràfica "Llengua i neutralitat". Revista de Llengua i Dret, null(80), 99-108. doi: 10.58992/rld.i80.2023.4145
Abstract: This epilogue posits a common thread through the various contributions to this special issue on "Language and neutrality". A common point for all the articles is that they show us how linguistic arrangements are negotiated in contemporary contexts where the forces at play transcend the traditional spaces of nation-states. We first see how actors linked to regional or national institutions experience tensions arising from the globalization of English as a lingua franca. Within the new transnational spaces of commerce, tourism, diplomacy, politics, information, education, culture, etc. we see the former great colonial powers deploying a policy of legitimization and expansion of the use of their own languages on a global scale. Thus, the terms "neutral" and "neutrality" denote the emergence of new strategies of equidistance or recruitment of discourses based on universalizing and objectifying principles in contexts characterized by multilateralism outside of national sovereignties. I also point out that a key element that determines the new strategies of linguistic and cultural diplomacy is racial differences and inequalities derived from contrasting models of colonization. Finally, I raise what I see as the pending question that we need to address how the processes of legitimization of the English language work, something that contemporary discourses try to present as neutral on the basis of an economic model and of political relations based on neoliberalism.
Keywords: linguistic ideologies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2-Dec-2023
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