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Title: Pobres familias pobres. Respuestas socioeducativas a la vulnerabilidad
Other Titles: Unfortunate poor families. Socio-educational responses to vulnerability
Citation: Bretones, E. [Eva]. (2021). Pobres familias pobres. Respuestas socioeducativas a la vulnerabilidad. Gazeta de Antropología, 37(1). doi: 10.30827/Digibug.69638
Abstract: The main objective of the research is to deepen the role of social policies, following the crisis generated by the financial collapse of 2008, in the school trajectories of children living in contexts of economic and social precariousness. To this end, the ethnographic and biographical methods have been opted for the development of 15 family life histories inserted in particular social, cultural and professional contexts. For the presentation of the results, the ethnographic narrative has been selected because it allows to unravel the complexity of the realities under study and document how the sociocultural construction that is carried out of poverty affects the educational strategies that develop from protection structures and their impact on the school trajectories of children.
Keywords: poverty
social policy
equal opportunity
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 10-Jun-2021
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Appears in Collections:Articles cientÍfics

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