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Title: The Spheres & Shield Maze Task: A Virtual Reality Serious Game for the Assessment of Risk Taking in Decision Making
Author: de-Juan-Ripoll, Carla
Soler-Dominguez, Jose Luis
Chicchi Giglioli, Irene Alice
Contero, Manuel
Alcaniz, Mariano
Citation: de-Juan-Ripoll, C. [Carla], Soler-Domínguez, J. L. [Jose Luis], Chicchi Giglioli, I. A. [Irene Alice], Contero, M. [Manuel] & Alcaniz, M. [Mariano]. (2020). The Spheres & shield maze task: a virtual reality serious game for the assessment of risk taking in decision making. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23(11), 773-781. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2019.0761
Abstract: Risk taking (RT) is an essential component in decision-making process that depicts the propensity to make riskydecisions. RT assessment has traditionally focused on self-report questionnaires. These classical tools haveshown clear distance from real-life responses. Behavioral tasks assess human behavior with more fidelity, butstill show some limitations related to transferability. A way to overcome these constraints is to take advan-tage from virtual reality (VR), to recreate real-simulated situations that might arise from performance-basedassessments, supporting RT research. This article presents results of a pilot study in which 41 individualsexplored a gamified VR environment: the Spheres & Shield Maze Task (SSMT). By eliciting implicit be-havioral measures, we found relationships between scores obtained in the SSMT and self-reported risk-relatedconstructs, as engagement in risky behaviors and marijuana consumption. We conclude that decontextualizedVirtual Reality Serious Games are appropriate to assess RT, since they could be used as a cross-disciplinary toolto assess individuals’ capabilities under the stealth assessment paradigm.
Keywords: risk taking
serious games
virtual reality
evaluation methodologies
implicit measures
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 6-Nov-2020
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Appears in Collections:Articles cientÍfics

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