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Title: From the UOC on the internet to the network-UOC : annual report on the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya : academic year 2007-2008
Author: Boixadera-Ibern, Maria  
Solà Albareda, Isabel
Taulats Pahissa, Maria
Toril Terrones, Núria
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Abstract: As we reach fifteen years of activity, the UOC is to enter a decisive stage in consolidating its position in the Catalan, Ibero-American and European university systems. It will be a year of change, not just because of the starting up of the first European Higher Education Area-adapted degrees, but also because of the need to rethink the educational model that the UOC has spearheaded for the last decade, to redraft the Statutes of the University Foundation to adapt to the new legal framework and to reshape our teaching, work and research environment, the Virtual Campus, which has to face up to the demands of a community of more than one hundred thousand users committed to lifelong learning. The UOC has to evolve alongside ICTs.
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Issue Date: Jun-2009
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Appears in Collections:Memòries

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