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Title: Perspectivas para la sostenibilidad y la preservación de los repositorios institucionales
Author: Térmens Graells, Miquel
Others: Jornadas OS-Repositorios (4as : 2010 : Barcelona)
Citation: Térmens, Miquel (2010). "Perspectivas para la sostenibilidad y la preservación de los repositorios institucionales". 4as Jornadas OS-Repositorios. Barcelona 3-5 marzo de 2010. <>
Abstract: Institutional repositories are one of the key instruments for scientific communication. In recent years we can see a rapid growth in the number of repositories and also in the volume of its contents. While it appears that efforts are concentrating on increasing their presence and to encourage authors to deposit new works. On the contrary they are missing policies and actions that provide for and ensure the sustainability and future preservation of repositories. This paper will analyse the current situation, in Spanish and international level, of the actions for the preservation of institutional repositories, including: the software used and the existence of explicit policies. Finally, we develop the minimum elements that should contain an action plan to guarantee future sustainability and preservation of any repository.
Keywords: Repositories
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Conference lecture
Issue Date: 4-Mar-2010
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:4es Jornades OS-REPOSITORIOS (Barcelona, 3-5 març 2010)

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