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Resultats 61-70 de 114.
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Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2020-02-06Gender and learning results: a study on their relationship in entrepreneurship education and business plansFerreras-Garcia, Raquel; Hernández-Lara, Ana Beatriz; Serradell-Lopez, Enric
2020-08-07A PLS-neural network analysis of motivational orientations leading to Facebook engagement and the moderating roles of flow and ageRodriguez-Ardura, Inma; Meseguer-Artola, Antoni; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Economia i Empresa
2022-05Self-disclosure during the COVID-19 emergency: effects of narcissism traits, time perspective, virtual presence, and hedonic gratificationFu, Qian; Rodriguez-Ardura, Inma; Meseguer-Artola, Antoni; Wu, Peng; Nanjing University of Science & Technology; Guizhou University; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Economia i Empresa
2020-06Academic impact and perceived value of Wikipedia as a primary learning resource in higher educationMeseguer-Artola, Antoni; Rodriguez-Ardura, Inma; Ammetller, Gisela; Rimbau-Gilabert, Eva; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2020-06-27Understanding peer-to-peer, two-sided digital marketplaces: pricing lessons from Airbnb in BarcelonaLlados-Masllorens, Josep; Meseguer-Artola, Antoni; Rodriguez-Ardura, Inma; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Economia i Empresa
2021-08-18Are women's entrepreneurial intentions and motivations influenced by financial skills?Llados-Masllorens, Josep; Ruiz-Dotras, Elisabet; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Economia i Empresa
2022-01-24Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and financial and calculation skills can shape different profiles of venture intentionsRuiz-Dotras, Elisabet; Llados-Masllorens, Josep; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Economia i Empresa
2020-06-26A social network analysis of the Spanish network of smart citiesSerrano, Ivan; Calvet-Mir, Laura; Ribera-Fumaz, Ramon; Díaz-Reviriego, Isabel; March, Hug; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2021-04-29Economic profitability of last-mile food delivery services: Lessons from BarcelonaAlvarez-Palau, Eduard J.; Calvet Liñán, Laura; Viu-Roig, Marta; Gandouz, Mariem; Juan, Angel A.; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Economia i Empresa; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3); Universidad Internacional de Valencia
2020-08Dataset for historical lighthouses and light aids to navigation (LAN). England and Wales, 1514-1911Buxton-Dunn, Oliver; Alvarez-Palau, Eduard J.; University of Cambridge; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)