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Resultats 11-20 de 22.
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Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2023-02-05Institutionalising interdisciplinarity in PhD training: challenging and redefining expertise in problem-oriented researchKovacic, Zora; Marcos-Valls, Alejandro
2023-06-27Homo digitalis: narrative for a new political economy of digital transformation and transitionTorrent-Sellens, Joan
2023-01-10An early warning system to identify and intervene online dropout learnersBaneres, David; Rodríguez-González, M. Elena; Guerrero-Roldán, Ana-Elena; Cortadas Guasch, Pau
2023-05-03Making cultural and tourist attractions accessible and inclusive for people with disability through value co-creation amidst COVID-19: a critical discourse analysisCerdan Chiscano, Monica; Darcy, Simon
2023-11-13Preference for teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: an exploratory studyPeñarroja, Vicente
2023-12-02Space, identity and festivals. Spatial empowerment and the construction of identity discourses through the lens of heritage festival organizersGonzález-Reverté, Francesc
2023-11-28Selfies versus conservation: The influence of user-generated content in the image of protected natural spacesAraujo Batlle, Alex; Garay, Lluis; Morales-Pérez, Soledad
2023-10-02Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Dynamics of Water Scarcity in Oil-Rich Economies: The Case of KuwaitAlzankawi, Abrar; Morales, Lucía; Andreosso, Bernadette; Rajmil, Daniel
2023-12-18Tourism and degrowthMurray, Ivan; Fletcher, Robert; Blázquez-Salom, Macia; Blanco-Romero, Asunción; Cañada Mullor, Ernest; Sekulova, Filka
2023-12-05The New Normal: Multifaceted and Multidimensional Crises and the Interplay of Geoeconomics and GeopoliticsCoetzer, Jon-Hans ; Rajmil, Daniel; Morales, Lucía