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Resultats 121-130 de 153.
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Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2022-06-15Boosting environmental management: The mediating role of Industry 4.0 between environmental assets and economic and social firm performanceTorrent-Sellens, Joan; Ficapal-Cusi, Pilar; Enache-Zegheru, Mihaela; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2023-11-13Preference for teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: an exploratory studyPeñarroja, Vicente
2023-12-02Space, identity and festivals. Spatial empowerment and the construction of identity discourses through the lens of heritage festival organizersGonzález-Reverté, Francesc
2024-01-02Incorporating climate justice into adaptation planning: The case of San FranciscoStrange, Kaitlin; March, Hug; Satorras, Mar
2021-05Democratizando la economía de plataformaRenau Cano, Melissa; Fuster Morell, Mayo; Espelt, Ricard
2020-10-09Customer Experience and Satisfaction in Private Insurance Web AreasMéndez-Aparicio, M Dolores; Jiménez-Zarco, Ana Isabel; izquierdo-yusta, alicia; Blazquez-Resino, Juan Jose
2022-04-02How stable are visions for protected area management? Stakeholder perspectives before and during a pandemicLo, Veronica; López-Rodríguez, María D.; Metzger, Marc; Oteros-Rozas, Elisa; Cebrián-Piqueras, Miguel Ángel; Ruiz-Mallén, Isabel; March, Hug; Raymond, Christopher
2022-03-02Railways, divergence, and structural change in 19th century England and WalesBogart, Dan; You, Xuesheng; Alvarez-Palau, Eduard J.; Satchell, Max; Shaw-Taylor, Leigh; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC); University of California Irvine; Swansea University; University of Cambridge
2023-10-02Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Dynamics of Water Scarcity in Oil-Rich Economies: The Case of KuwaitAlzankawi, Abrar; Morales, Lucía; Andreosso, Bernadette; Rajmil, Daniel
2023-12-18Tourism and degrowthMurray, Ivan; Fletcher, Robert; Blázquez-Salom, Macia; Blanco-Romero, Asunción; Cañada Mullor, Ernest; Sekulova, Filka