Articles 421

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Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 421

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017-09-02The role of chronic physical exercise and selective attention at encoding on implicit and explicit memoryPadilla, Concepcion; Mayas, Julia; Ballesteros, Soledad; Andres, Pilar
2021-09-02Metabolite Signature of Alzheimer's Disease in Adults with Down SyndromeMontal, Victor; Barroeta, Isabel; Bejanin, Alexandre; Pegueroles, Jordi; Carmona Iragui, Maria; ALTUNA-AZKARGORTA, MIREN; Benejam, Bessy; Videla Toro, Laura; Fernández, Susana; Padilla, Concepcion; Aranha, Mateus; Iulita, M. Florencia; Vidal-Piñeiro, Didac; Alcolea, Daniel; Blesa, Rafael; Lleó, Alberto; Fortea, Juan; Down Alzheimer Barcelona Neuroimaging Initiative
2007Language impairments in sign language: breakthroughs and puzzlesMorgan, Gary; Herman, Ros; Woll, Bencie
2007-09The first signs of language: phonological development in British sign languageMorgan, Gary; Barrett-Jones, Sarah; Stoneham, Helen
2008The onset and mastery of spatial language in children acquiring British Sign LanguageMorgan, Gary; Herman, Ros; Barriere, Isabelle; Woll, Bencie
2002The development of complex verb constructions in British Sign LanguageMorgan, Gary; Herman, Ros; Woll, Bencie
2018-12-17Impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios in 27 European Union countries from 2006 to 2014Feliu, Ariadna; Filippidis, Filippos; Joossens, Luk; Fong, Geoffrey; Vardavas, Constantine; Baena, Antoni; Castellano, Yolanda; Martínez, Cristina; Fernández, Esteve
2014-03-11Chronic exercise keeps working memory and inhibitory capacities fitPadilla, Concepcion; Pérez, Laura; Andres, Pilar
2014-07-10The Effects of Chronic Exercise on Attentional NetworksPérez, Laura; Padilla, Concepcion; Parmentier, Fabrice
2018-12-19Improving Memory Inhibition: A Study of Retrieval Induced Forgetting, Executive Control, and Chronic Aerobic ExercisePadilla, Concepcion; Andres, Pilar; Bajo, Teresa
2016-06Effects of moderate beer consumption on health and disease: a consensus documentde Gaetano, G.; Costanzo, S.; Di Castelnuovo, A.; Badimon, Lina; Bejko, D.; Alkerwi, Ala'a; Chiva-Blanch, Gemma; Estruch Riba, Ramón; La Vecchia, Carlo; Panico, Salvatore; Pounis, George; Sofi, Francesco; Stranges, S.; Trevisan, M.; Ursini, F.; Cerletti, Chiara; Iacoviello, L.
2012-02Differential effects of polyphenols and alcohol of red wine on the expression of adhesion molecules and inflammatory cytokines related to atherosclerosis: a randomized clinical trialChiva-Blanch, Gemma; urpi, mireia; llorach, rafael; Rotches-Ribalta, Maria; Guillén, Marisa; Casas, Rosa; Arranz, Sara; Valderas-Martínez, Palmira; Portoles, Olga; Dolores, Corella; Tinahones, Francisco J; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Andres-Lacueva, Cristina; Estruch Riba, Ramón
2023-12-27Effect of ginseng intake on muscle damage induced by exercise in healthy adultsMuñoz-Castellanos, Borja; Bailon Moreno, Rafael; Martinez López, Patricia; Esquius, Laura
2013-02-13Effects of wine, alcohol and polyphenols on cardiovascular disease risk factors: evidences from human studiesChiva-Blanch, Gemma; Arranz, Sara; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch Riba, Ramón
2023-12-14Barriers to home food preparation and healthy eating among university students in CataloniaJurado Gonzalez, Patricia; Medina, F. Xavier; Bach-Faig, Anna
2020-07-23Interference and facilitation in phonological encoding: Two sides of the same coin? Evidence from bilingual aphasiaCalabria, Marco; Grunden, Nicholas; Iaia, Federica; García Sánchez, Carmen
2019-07-18On the specificity of bilingual language control: A study with Parkinson's disease patientsCattaneo, Gabriele; Costa, Albert; Gironell, Alexandre; Calabria, Marco
2023-07-17Passive exposure and perceptions of smoke-free policies in hospital and university campuses among nursing students: a cross-sectional multicenter studyFu, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Laroussy, Kenza; Baena, Antoni; Margalef, Mercè; Feliu, Ariadna; Galimany Masclans, Jordi; Puig Llobet, Montserrat; Moreno García, Mª Carmen; Sancho Agredano, Raül; Bueno Brugués, Albert; Lopez Barea, Antonio Jose; Guydish, Joseph; Fernández, Esteve; Martinez, Cristina
2023-09Transitions in smoking status in nursing students: a prospective longitudinal studyLaroussy, Kenza; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu, Marcela; Baena, Antoni; Feliu, Ariadna; Peruga, Armando; Margalef, Mercè; Aldazabal, Jon; Tigova, Olena; Galimany Masclans, Jordi; Puig Llobet, Montserrat; Moreno García, Mª Carmen; Bueno Brugués, Albert; Lopez Barea, Antonio Jose; Roca, Judith; Saura, Judith; Fernández, Esteve; Martinez, Cristina
2022-06-01Tobacco smoking during pregnancy: women’s perception about the usefulness of smoking cessation interventionsAlmeida, Rita; Barbosa, Carolina; Pereira, Bruno; Diniz, Mateus; Baena, Antoni; Conde, Ana
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 421