Articles 402

Articles publicats en revistes.
Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 21 al 40 de 402

Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2016-04-22The impact of think tanks on mass media discourse regarding the economic crisis in SpainLalueza, Ferran; Girona, Ramon
2012-12-22Messenger and social network sites as tools for sociability, leisure and informal learning for Spanish young peopleSánchez-Navarro, Jordi; Aranda, Daniel
2019-05-01Análisis de la comunicación en el paciente crónico hospitalizado y la mejora de su experienciaMarca, Guillem; Frigola Reig, Joan; Compte-Pujol, Marc
2020-05-18Academia in the Time of COVID-19: Towards an Ethics of CareCorbera, Esteve; Anguelovski, Isabelle; Honey-Rosés, Jordi; Ruiz-Mallén, Isabel
2022-07-03Community climate resilience and environmental education: Opportunities and challenges for transformative learningRuiz-Mallén, Isabel; Satorras, Mar; March, Hug; Baró, Francesc
2023-03-26Social movement unionism in Spain’s feminized precarious service sector: Criticism, cooperation andcompetitionAlcalde González, Verna; Gálvez Mozo, Ana; Valenzuela-Bustos, Alan
2021-05-02Designing speaking interaction in LMOOCs: An eTandem approachAppel, Christine; Pujolà Font, Joan-Tomàs
2021-08-22Student Engagement in an EFL/SFL Speaking LMOOC during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Influence of Learners’ Social, Affective and Cognitive DimensionsCristofol Garcia, Blanca; Appel, Christine
2023-04-18'I as a practicum mentor': identities of mentors of student teachersGarcia, Consuelo; Badia, Antoni
2024-01-03'My goal is to make sustainability mainstream': emerging visual narratives on the environmental crisis on InstagramSan Cornelio, Gemma; martorell, sandra; Ardevol, Elisenda
2024-01-04"It is the voice of the environment that speaks", digital activism as an emergent form of environmental communicationSan Cornelio, Gemma; martorell, sandra; Ardevol, Elisenda
2024-04-27Overview of the Twitter conversation around #14F 2021 Catalonia regional election: an analysis of echo chambers and presence of social botsBroto Cervera, Raul; Pérez-Solà, Cristina; Batlle, Albert
2023-03-16Digital technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges for environmental educators in BarcelonaCorres, Andrea; Ruiz-Mallén, Isabel
2024-01-03El podcasting y la nueva ficción sonora en español: hacia una agenda de investigación intermedialSáenz Leandro, Ronald
2024-01-15Characterisation, symptom pattern and symptom clusters from a retrospective cohort of Long COVID patients in primary care in CataloniaTorrell, Gemma; Puente, Diana; Jacques Aviñó, Constanza; Carrasco Ribelles, Lucía Amalia; Violán, Concepció; López-Jiménez, Tomàs; Royano, Veronica; Molina Cantón, Alba; Medina-Perucha, Laura; Rodríguez-Giralt, Irra; Berenguera, Anna
2024-01-11A systematic review on experimental studies about patient adherence to treatmentFolkvord, Frans; Roca-Umbert, Ana; van Houten, Karlijn; Liefveld, Adriaan Rudolf; Ingebretsen Carlson, Jim; Bol, Nadine; Krahmer, Emiel; Beets, Gwenn; Drbohlav Ollerton, Rachel; Turk, Eva; Hrubos-Strøm, Harald; Nahoui, Hamza; Einvik, Gunnar; Schirmer, Henrik; Moen, Anne; Barrio Cortes, Jaime; Merino-Barbancho, Beatriz; Arroyo Gallego, Peña; Fico, Giuseppe; Midão, Luís; Sampaio, Rute; Fonseca, João; Geipel, Katja; Scheckenbach, Kathrin; de Ruiter, Laura E.; Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco
2024-04-07Entre algoritmos y datificación. Desafíos para la construcción de un sistema educativo justo, democrático y transformador en la sociedad digitalRivera-Vargas, Pablo; Baleriola, Enrique; Fardella Cisternas, Carla
2024-04-07Métrica, subjetividad y meritocracia en el trabajo académicoFardella Cisternas, Carla; Marchant Cavieres, David Lautaro; Baleriola, Enrique
2024Media Representations of Femicide. A Systematic Review of Literature in English and SpanishAldrete, Mariana; Taşkale, Nermin; Rivera Ramírez, Eloísa
2023-12-09¿Quién quiere ser creativo? Imaginarios y expectativas de estudiantes universitarios de diseño y comunicación sobre la profesión creativaMassaguer, Lluc; Creus, Amalia Susana; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi
Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 21 al 40 de 402