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Results 1-10 of 28 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Gridifying IBM's Generic Log Adapter to Speed-Up the Processing of Log DataPaniagua Macià, Claudi; XHAFA, FATOS; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)
2008A Grid Approach to Efficiently Embed Information and Knowledge into Collaborative Learning ApplicationsCaballé, Santi; XHAFA, FATOS; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Paniagua Macià, Claudi; Esteve, Joan; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)
2008Supporting Communities of Learning Practice by the Effective Embedding of Information and Knowledge into Group ActivityCaballé, Santi; Feldman, Jerome; Thaw, David; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)
2009-08-19A Security Framework for JXTA-OverlayArnedo-Moreno, Joan; Barolli, Leonard; XHAFA, FATOS; Matsuo, Keita
2007A Generic Platform for the Systematic Construction of Knowledge-based Collaborative Learning ApplicationsCaballé, Santi; Daradoumis, Thanasis; XHAFA, FATOS; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)
2009-07-14Is It Possible to Predict the Manual Web Accessibility Result Using the Automatic Result?Olsen, Morten Goodwin; Martínez Normand, Loïc; Casado-Martínez, Carlos
2008LECO : an internal virtual tool to aid collaboration in the context of a virtual universityConesa, Jordi; Rius, Àngels; Gañán Jiménez, David; Gómez, Diego
2009-12-14Securing a Java P2P framework: The JXTA-Overlay caseArnedo-Moreno, Joan; Barolli, Leonard; Matsuo, Keita; XHAFA, FATOS
2009-08-19Experimental Results and Evaluation of SmartBox Stimulation Device in a P2P E-learning SystemArnedo-Moreno, Joan; XHAFA, FATOS; Matsuo, Keita; Barolli, Leonard
2008Efficient Peer Selection in P2P JXTA-Based PlatformsXHAFA, FATOS; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Barolli, Leonard; Fernández Correa, Raúl; Caballé, Santi; Kolici, Vladi; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)