Conference lectures 95

Ponències, comunicacions i pòsters a congressos, etc.
Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters en congresos, etc.
Conference papers, contributed papers and posters, etc.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 95

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004On-the-fly trainingMelenchón, Javier; Meler, Lourdes; Iriondo, Ignasi
2003-11-24Text to visual synthesis with appearance modelsMelenchón, Javier; de la Torre, Fernando; Iriondo, Ignasi; Alías, Frances; Martínez, Elisa; Vicent, Lluís
2024-08-05Looking Beyond Academia: A Study on Best Practices in the Catalan Gameful Design IndustryArnedo-Moreno, Joan; Garcia-Panella, Oscar
2024-11-26Impact of Dataset Composition on Machine Learning Performance for Anomaly Detection in Smart Home CybersecurityIturbe Araya, Juan Ignacio; Rifà-Pous, Helena
2024-07-11Programming Games as Learning Tools: Using Empathic Design Principles for Engaging ExperiencesMaxim, Raluca Ionela; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan
2023-02-24Towards Measuring Fairness for Local Differential PrivacySalas, Julián; Torra, Vicenç; Megias, David
2024-07-30Single-image steganalysis in real-world scenarios based on classifier inconsistency detectionLerch-Hostalot, Daniel; Megias, David
2019-10-22Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Gamification and Games for Learning (GamiLearn’19)Arnedo-Moreno, Joan; Mora Carreño, Alberto; González-González, Carina Soledad
2018-09-05Hands-on Electronics Laboratory in Fully Online Engineering EducationMonzo, Carlos; Cobo Rodríguez, Germán; García-Solórzano, David; Morán Moreno, Jose Antonio; Santamaría, Eugènia
2023-02-24An Empirical Analysis of Running a Bitcoin Minimal Wallet on an IoT DeviceRahmanikivi, Mohsen; Pérez-Solà, Cristina; Garcia-Font, Victor
2023-03Evaluation and Analysis of Reversible Watermarking Techniques in WSN for Secure, Lightweight Design of IoT Applications: A SurveyKoohpayeh araghi, Tanya; Megias, David; Rosales, Andrea
2024Development of a shellcode generator for cybersecurity education and trainingOrts Gómez, Francisco José; Ortega, Gloria; Serra-Ruiz, Jordi
2021-04A Study on Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Techniques for Secure Smart Metering SystemKabir, Farzana; Qureshi, Amna; Megias, David
2021-12-20GTCards: A Video Game for Learning Geometric Transformations: A cards-based video game for learning geometric transformations in higher educationGonzález Campos, José Saúl; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi
2922-08-18Research opportunities in the application of blockchain in video games: A scoping reviewArnedo-Moreno, Joan; Garcia-Font, Victor
2023-05-04Coding is Fun: Engaging Adult On-Line Learners Using Programming GamesArnedo-Moreno, Joan; García-Solórzano, David
2024-06-09Croissant: a metadata format for ML-Ready DatasetsAkhtar, Mubashara; Benjelloun, Omar; Conforti, Costanza; Gijsbers, Pieter; Giner Miguelez, Joan; Jain, Nitisha; Kuchnik, Michael; Lhoest, Quentin; Marcenac, Pierre; Maskey, Manil; Mattson, Peter; Oala, Luis; Ruyssen, Pierre; Shinde, Rajat; Simperl, Elena; Thomas, Goeff; Tykhonov, Vyacheslav; Vanschoren, Joaquin; van der Velde, Jos; Vogler, Steffen; Wu, Carole-Jean
2024-06Disinformation detection and source tracking using semi-fragile watermarking and blockchainKoohpayeh araghi, Tanya; Megias, David; Garcia-Font, Victor; Kuribayashi, Minoru; Mazurczyk, Wojciech
2009-07Exploring Asynchronous Online Discussions through Hierarchical VisualisationPascual-Cid, Victor; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas
2006-10-30Event modeling of message interchange in stochastic neural ensemblesGómez, Vicenç; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas; Lopez, Vicente
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 95