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Title: Análisis de los factores psicosociales asociados al diagnóstico de cáncer en pacientes con esquizofrenia percibidos por profesionales sanitarios de la red de Salud Mental de Madrid
Author: García Román, Carlota
Tutor: Gijón Sánchez, María Teresa
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: Schizophrenia is a mental illness included within Several Mental Disorders. It is a disease that is associated with a great social stigma also occurs in the sufferer and his family important changes in their psychosocial functioning and quality of life. These are issues also arise when a person is diagnosed with cancer. The objective is to know and understand the main psychosocial factors presented by patients with schizophrenia to be diagnosed with cancer from the perspective of the professionals who serve them in different mental health centers of Madrid.
Keywords: severe mental disorder
psychosocial needs
professional perspective
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 5-Jul-2016
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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