Empreu aquest identificador per citar o enllaçar aquest ítem: http://hdl.handle.net/10609/58365
Títol: LUDOLITERACY: The Unfinished Business of Media Literacy
Autoria: Aranda, Daniel  
Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi  
Martínez-Martínez, Silvia  
Whitton, Nicola
Resum: This book is a compilation of articles and reflections about the characteristics and meanings of digital games, a field in which we have been working for the past 10 years. Thus, this work aims to publicly disseminate our ideas about digital gaming with the ultimate goal of defending the need for a media literacy that includes the digital game as an object of study. We advocate for the idea that understanding video games is valuable for its own sake as a necessary pedagogic prerequisite for all those interested in the educational use of digital games, serious game or game-based learning. In this manner, media literacy in digital games and digital gaming ¿that is, ludoliteracy¿, aims to debate on the technological, cultural, sociological and economic contexts of video games as media.
Paraules clau: videojocs
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/book
Data de publicació: des-2016
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
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