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Results 1-10 of 427 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-11-07Liderazgo inclusivo ¿Qué es y cómo promoverlo en las organizaciones?Rimbau-Gilabert, Eva
2012-10Analyzing and supporting interaction in complex scenarios: the case of DS106Levine, Alan; Lamb, Brian; Groom, Jim; Minguillón, Julià
2017-06-20On the opportunities of scalable modeling technologies: An experience report on wind turbines control applications developmentGómez Llana, Abel; Mendialdua, Xabier; Bergmann, Gábor; Cabot, Jordi; Debreceni, Csaba; Garmendia, Antonio; Kolovos, Dimitrios S.; Lara Jaramillo, Juan de; Trujillo, Salvador; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3); IK4-IKERLAN; Budapest University of Technology and Economics; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; University of York
2010-09-15Open access press vs traditional university presses on AmazonMcGreal, Rory; Acqua, Edward; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2021-11-13A tool for evaluating the quality of online teachingSarasa Cabezuelo, Antonio; Caballé, Santi; Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
2010-09-15OER in Portugal as agent of curriculum innovation and technological change. Inducing practices of "new" teaching standardsMatos Pereira, Paulo Manuel de; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2008Verification of UML/OCL class diagrams using constraint programmingCabot, Jordi; Clarisó, Robert; Riera Terrén, Daniel; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
2010-09-15OER as a Model for Enhanced Teaching and LearningPetrides, Lisa; Jimes, Cynthia; Middleton-Detzner, Clare; Howell, Holly; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2019-09-16A feasibility study on using classifying terms in alloy. A case studyClarisó, Robert; Gogolla, Martin; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC); University of Bremen
2018Model-Driven Engineering for Design-Runtime Interaction in Complex Systems: Scientific Challenges and Roadmap. Report on the MDE@DeRun 2018 workshopBruneliere, Hugo; Eramo, Romina; Gómez Llana, Abel; Besnard, Valentin; Bruel, Jean Michel; Gogolla, Martin; Kästner, Andreas; Rutle, Adrian; IMT Atlantique; University of L'Aquila; ERIS; IRIT; Université de Toulouse; University of Bremen; Western Norway University of Applied Sciences