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Title: Deeper Down the Rabbit-Hole: Unfolding the Dynamics of Imagination Acts
Author: Casas-Roma, Joan  
Director: Huertas, M. Antonia  
Rodríguez-González, M. Elena  
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Abstract: We study the dynamics of imagination acts at a philosophical, formal and applied level. Our research is based on three theories that identify the mechanisms involved in imagination acts and show how all of them share a similar structure. We define the Logic of Imaginary Scenarios, in which we create a layer for imagination acts upon a single-agent epistemic logic. While discussing the properties of logic, we note that the way in which imaginary worlds are developed is oversimplified. A deeper analysis leads to the definition of a new theory especially suited for the dynamics of imagination acts, called the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, and the Rhombus of Imagination. With this new theory at hand, we define the Logic of Imagination Acts, in which we introduce four different algorithms that allow for a much more modular account of imagination. Finally, we provide an implementation of a computer programme prototype that captures the algorithms defined by our latter logic.
Keywords: imagination
dynamic imagination
imaginary worlds
logic of imagination
dynamic logic
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Issue Date: 6-Apr-2018
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Tesis doctorals

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