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dc.contributor.authorGonzález Villán, Ángel-
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya-
dc.description.abstractRemote control systems are a very useful element to control and monitor devices quickly and easily. This paper proposes a new architecture for remote control of Android mobile devices, analyzing the different alternatives and seeking the optimal solution in each case. Although the area of remote control, in case of mobile devices, has been little explored, it may provide important advantages for testing software and hardware developments in several real devices. It can also allow an efficient management of various devices of different types, perform forensic security tasks, etc ... The main idea behind the proposed architecture was the design of a system to be used as a platform which provides the services needed to perform remote control of mobile devices. As a result of this research, a proof of concept was implemented. An Android application running a group of server programs on the device, connected to the network or USB interface, depending on availability. This servers can be controlled through a small client written in Java and runnable both on desktop and web systems.en
dc.publisherUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya-
dc.titleRemote Control of Mobile Devices in Android Platform-
dc.audience.mediatorTheme areas::Computer Science, Technology and Multimedia::Free Softwareen
dc.audience.educationlevelPostgraduate degrees (official masters and doctoral degree)en
dc.contributor.tutorJorba, Josep-
Apareix a les col·leccions:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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