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Title: Guide to participatory methodologies aimed at its implementation
Author: Ruiz-Mallén, Isabel  
Senabre Hidalgo, Enric  
Ribera-Fumaz, Ramon  
Citation: Guide to participatory methodologies aimed at its implementation. I. Ruiz-Mallen; E. Senabre Hidalgo; R. Ribera Fumaz. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2018.
[Guia de metodologies participatives orientades a la seva implementació. I. Ruiz-Mallen; E. Senabre Hidalgo; R. Ribera Fumaz. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2018.
Guía de metodologías participativas orientadas a su implementación. I. Ruiz-Mallen; E. Senabre Hidalgo; R. Ribera Fumaz. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2018.]
Abstract: This guide to participatory methodologies addresses the basic elements that characterise applied research methodologies, whose main focus is participation and whose fundamental objective is social transformation; also, develops key notions of the design, implementation and evaluation of tools and methods of two major approach - es: participatory action research and co-design. Its main objectives are, on the one hand, to provide the knowledge base for the design of research projects from a participatory and transformative approach involving society to strengthen its self-management capacities and, on the other hand, to guide its implementation and evaluation including potentially applicable tools in a wide range of disciplines, contexts and case studies.
Keywords: Participatory Action Research
Participatory Methodologies
Social transformation
Social impact
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Issue Date: Aug-2018
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Publicacions

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