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Title: Webseries y narrativa audiovisual : análisis de "Malviviendo"
Author: Quintanilla Montenegro, Elena
Tutor: San Cornelio, Gemma  
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: This dissertation is part of the field of audiovisual production of serial fiction, and specifically in the context of new technologies associated with audiovisual production and broadcasting. Through this research, we compare the production and audiovisual narrative successful Malviviendo webserie in relation to their counterparts in television with the clear aim of establishing the possible convergences and divergences between both types of serial fiction. Through this research we want to deepen the analysis of the Spanish webserie Malviviendo, based on studies of the fictional TV series. We also want to get into the narrative structure, television language, building characters, parody and referential structure, and production systems, implementation and financing partners in the series, to relate it with film and television references.
Keywords: Web serie
television drama
video production
audiovisual narrative
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 24-Jun-2011
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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